Diamond Motorized mount for oversize luggage racks.

Raise and lower your antenna with a touch of the button with the K9000 motorized mount for oversize luggage racks. Special Features: • Accepts &#34Ground Independent&#34 antennas up to 45&#34 in length • 0-90° range; operates from 12VDC with fused cigarette plug • Includes 20&#39 cable to switch • Compantible with Diamond C-series base/cable assemblies • Also available for trunk and hatchback & regular luggage rack installations Remarks: Use C-series cable assemblies. Recommended Diamond antennas include NR73BNMO, NR770HNMO, NR770HBNMO, NR770HA, NR770HB, SG7500A & SG7500NMO.

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Superantenna&#39s Portable 3 Element Beam Antenna

This light-weight, extremely flexible beam antenna is designed for field applications by the QRP operator and others. The antenna provides forward gain and directivity on all bands 20M through 6M using an ingeniuous combination of parts that you adjust in the field with almost no tools. When placed on a common pushup or similar mast at least 20 feet tall, the antenna will provide the benefits of directional reception and transmission. Carry the antenna in a 3-foot-long bag with great ease. In operation, the antenna expands to a maximum side width of about 220 inches and a maximum length of less that 120 inches. The estimated power limit of the antenna is 500 Watts. The field Yagi has three elements optimized for use on a side range of frequencies. The design gives wide bandwidth on each band with field adjustments. Set and measure the element lengths and coils according to the instructions for each band. You may vary the recommended dimensions for special circumstances. The instructions provide guidelines.

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