ICOM IC-746PRO HF/50MHz/144MHz All Mode Transceiver w/ PS-125

ICOM IC-746PRO HF/50MHz/144MHz All Mode Transceiver w/ PS-125Outstanding Features ?Triple band stacking register ?2 types of preamplifier (Regular and Higain) for HF and 50MHz bands, 1 for 144MHz band ?20dB RF attenuator ?Level adjustable noise blanker (101 steps) ?BPF function below 500Hz band width in SSB mode ?1/4 speed dial tuning function for SSB-data, CW and RTTY modes ?108 selectable DTCS and 50 selectable CTCSS with encoder/decoder ?1750Hz tone encoder ?Optional high stability crystal unit, CR-338 ?Up to 10 memo-pads temporarily store frequencies and modes ?Quick split function with split lock function ?± 9.99kHz RIT and TX ?Band edge beep ?CI-V capability for PC control ?VOX ?Program, memory, select memory and F scans ?IF transmit audio monitor (SSB mode only; AF transmit audio monitor for the other modes) ?102 memory channels ?9600bps data terminal ?AH-4 control circuits ?Auto TS function ?Optional voice synthesizer unit, UT-102 announces the operating frequency, mode and S-meter level ?1Hz tuning and indication

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ICOM IC-7700 HF/50MHz Transceiver

ICOM IC-7700 HF/50MHz TransceiverThe IP3 performance of a radio can be improved by sacrificing sensitivity, but Icom considers this a poor choice. To achieve REAL high-performance, Icom reviewed all of the analog receiver circuitry. The IC-7700 employs mechanical relay BPF switching, a digitally tuned pre-selector, and three Hi-spec 1st IF filters (roofing filter) in a Dynamic range characteristics (in 14MHz band) clean and simple double-conversion superheterodyne design. By balancing the analog and DSP functions, the IC-7700 provides superior sensitivity simultaneously with a superb dynamic range of 110dB, and +40 dBm IP3 (even in USB mode with 2.4 kHz filter bandwidth).

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Yaesu FT-897D

Yaesu FT-897DThe FT-897D is a rugged, innovative, multiband, multimode portable transceiver for the amateur radio MF/HF/VHF/UHF bands. Providing coverage of the 160-10 meter bands plus the 6 m, 2 m, and 70 cm bands, the FT-897 includes operation on the SSB, CW, AM, FM, and Digital modes, and it&#39s capable of 20-Watt portable operation using internal batteries, or up to 100 Watts when using an external 13.8-volt DC power source. The new FT-897D version includes coverage of the U.S. 60-meter (5 MHz) band, along with the 0.5 ppm TCXO Unit, at no additional charge!

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