Battery Terminal Distribution Blocks by Rugged Rocks

Battery Terminal Distribution Blocks
If you follow Rugged Rocks on Facebook, then you likely have already seen a slick new product that is due in around Nov. 6th, Battery Terminal Distribution Blocks. The word on these is spreading fast, pre-orders are rolling in, and with just a couple posts on social media, they have over 300 Likes!
You are probably like most of us wheelers with lot of extra electronics in your vehicle from lights, winches, radios, navigation systems, etc.. and you likely know all too well that all these connections at the battery get a bit tricky and messy. These power distribution blocks are a simple solution to a messy problem. Connect these to your battery terminals and they will give you 3 top connection points for large gauge wire and one smaller side connection point for smaller gauge wire, on both the Negative and Positive terminals. One order includes a pair (one Negative and one Positive) of aluminum terminal blocks with hardware.

The first production batch of these is scheduled to be in around November 6th.  Order at

Keep in mind that this is something that is not Nissan specific. So, please tell your other off-road friends about these as well, they’ll probably thank you for it!