Nissan Pathfinder Atlas Trasfercase Install PT.1

Over the last year or so i’ve been working with Advance Adapters to get an Atlas adapter made for the early Nissan trucks starting in ’86, and now it’s a reality. After taking apart and putting my truck back together about a dozen times over the last few months, i have it all down to a definate set of instructions so you can get an atlas installed in your truck correctly the first time and with the least amount of frustration and be on your way to building a capable Nissan rockcrawler. Over the next week or so i’ll be writing different parts of this installation process here in the blog and by next week you should have all the definate details on how to do this install on your 88 – 95 Nissan Pathfinder & 86 – 97 Hardbody. And although it hasn’t been tested, this adapter should also fit the 1st Generation Xterras and Frontiers. Keep in mind the atlas may not fit in your truck with the torsion bar cross member in place so I recomend this t-case for solid axle swapped trucks only.

Pull your truck into the garage and get your tools ready, tomorrow we’l start building a Nissan crawler.