Executing The Plan – RCV Nissan Titan Swap (M205) CV Axle Shafts

 RCV is ready. The time is now.
In order for RCV to take next steps in producing the M205 CV Shafts, we need to get them paid. We’ll be using the same method for this project as I’ve done many times in the past and is outlined below.
The pre-order window for RCV axle shaft orders is open and will be ending on December 14th. When your order is placed, there is only a payment authorization in place. Payments will only be processed in full starting December 14th, if we meet the minimum order quatity required to move forward with RCV. Based on this years feedback, and the list of people that I have been in touch with, we should easily exceed these minimums. You can place your order on the Rugged Rocks website here: https://ruggedrocksoffroad.com/nissan-titan-ultimate-cv-axles-by-rcv-2004-m205-stock-width-p-59540.html
If we find ourselves lacking the required quantity of orders, then all orders will be cancelled and no one will be charged.

Production of these axles is a limited run only for those that are part of this group buy, and will not be a stocked item.

Provided that we meet the required number of orders by December 14th, All sales will be final. There will be no cancellations & no returns once we have this ball rolling.
Following December 14th, RCV will be paid in full for all orders, with an expected ship date about 16 weeks later (Mid April).

RCV Axles are made of high strength 300M steel, are built to withstand the harshest conditions, and are backed by a lifetime warranty against breakage.

I will be sending out multiple updates on this project in the coming weeks as well as calling everyone on the list of interested people over the next few days.
Please save 909-547-4651 in your phone so you know it’s me calling, and please also whitelist my e-mail address stevenl@ruggedrocks.com to help with proper e-mail communications.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 909-547-4651 or contact me through the website at: https://ruggedrocksoffroad.com/index.php?route=information/contact 

In the event that you want to schedule a specific time to connect, you can do so here: https://calendly.com/stevenlutz

Thank you,
-Steven Lutz