Better Faster Stronger – Optimizing for a Brighter Future

It’s ironic.
I’ve been a techy my whole life, yet I have found myself with a lot of manual processes. My “simple” business has spawned many inefficiencies, and bits of tech that should be coupled together, just aren’t. Running this business has simply become more complex over the years as well. What worked well many years ago has morphed over time and simply isn’t desireable anymore, by me or my customers. These inefficiencies have caused longer than expected turnaround times for orders getting kicked out the door and therefore has delayed many forward thinking projects for way too long. Simply put, my daily processes absolutely suck, and it delays everything.
These issues are typically most prominent early in the year during busy season. Like right now. The effects are then historically compounded by being away for KoH and also historically getting sick afterwards (Hammer Lung?). It’s time to make fixing this glaring issue a priority and get this reoccurring speedbump of inefficienes out of the way.
At the beginning of the year I mentioned my momentum. Once the speedbump is handled, I’m confident that the momentum will run even stronger into the forseeable future which includes showing up to more events in 2024 while having faster shipping times and spending more of my time developing lots of cool stuff rlated to navigation, tracking, maps etc…
I’m just about caught up on lingering orders (Thank you for your patience, it and your business is much appreciated) a new website, backend software & processes, increased inventory levels and getting help to kick shipping out the door without any delay are all slated for the coming months.

I have a plan, and your continued business is gretly appreciated.
stay tuned.
