KING OF THE HAMMERS 5 – RISE OF THE EAST Over130 racers and teams assembled in Johnson Valley, California to do battle in the desert and race for the coveted title of “King†through some of the most difficult rock trails in the world, and vast expanses of harsh desert. With 160 miles between them and the checkered flag, the competition would be fierce. In addition to unlimited class racing, the KOH “Every Man Challenge†in Stock and Modified Class would also take to the desert in search of an overall victor.
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Pathfinder Flex Video Clip
Doug Thorley Headers & Currie’s New Nissan Titan Rear Axles
Doug Thorley 3.3L Xterra / Frontier Headers |
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Currie F9 & Dana 60 Nissan Titan Rear Axles |
![]() For more information contact Chris Nissley at Currie Enterprises by dialing 714-528-6957 |
King of the Hammers 3: Anarchy – DVD |
![]() “Reserved for the most fearless, off road racing pushes adventure to the edge. This is an event so unimaginable it is now being call the most challenging off road race on the planet. Join 50,000 fanatics as they gather in So. Cal to watch 100 of the world’s best Ultra 4 drivers conquer 135 impossible miles of the most brutal rock trails and open desert terrain know to man.” |