Locked. 2022 Nissan Frontier Front ARB Air Locker

Another FIRST from Rugged Rocks!
The new 2022 Nissan Frontiers now have ARB Air Lockers availabel front and rear! Rugged Rocks just wrapped up the first ARB air locker install into a 2022 Nissan Frontier front differential. Although the 2022 Frontier has the R180 differential that looks the same on the outisde as earlier models, it is in fact different boasting key upgrades that make the assembly stronger than the past.

So, if you’re an owner of a Nissan frontier with the new 3.8L engine under the hood, and you’re looking for the ultimate traction upgrade, look no further than Rugged Rocks at the following URL:





Did you miss it? – Battery Terminal Blocks

Before I jump into the details, if you already own a set of these battery terminal blocks, Please help others looking for info on this product by writing a quick review. A review can be written by clicking on ‘Write a Review” at the following URL:

The Launch:
In over 15 years of being in this business, I’ve never had a product gain popularity like these battery terminal blocks have. There has clearly been a need for these battery terminal blocks that offer additional wiring functionality in a clean compact design. They hooked a lot of attention on social media, have been published multiple times by various magazines, is constantly crawlilng close to the top of the google search engine rankings, and popularity only seems to be growing. If you are adding lots of accessory wiring to your vehicle and need more connection points in a clean way, then these are worth a closer look. 

Terminal Block Details:
Includes a pair (one negative & one positive) of aluminum battery terminal connectors / distribution blocks with hardware.

Battery terminal connectors /  power distribution blocks. These provide a clean way to connect your vehicles electrical system, along with accessories to your battery terminal posts. Each terminal block provides 3 large connection points using M8 bolts and one smaller side connection point using an M6 bolt.
A very clean solution at a competitive price. 

For additional details, visit:

14 Days to order – Group buy on DT headers

Doug Thorley hasn’t had Nissan headers on the shelf in quite some time. The main reason is due to the pandemic affecting manufacturing capacity and the lack of nissan demand in comparison to other applications.
To get Nissan headers in line for production, we are attempting to get 15 orders of each of the following products by February 28th.

Exhaust Headers for 2005+ Xterra / Frontier w/ 4.0L v6 (P# 470-L-C)
B-Pipes for 2005-2015 Xterra w/ 4.0L v6 (P# 83206-B)
Exhaust Headers for 98-04 Xterra / Froniter w/ 3.3L v6 (P# 465-L-C)
Exhaust Headers for 1990 – 1997 Hardbody Pickup / Pathfinder 3.0L v6 (P# 464-2)

On February 28th, I’ll be placing the order with Doug Thorley for the parts to be made that meet the minimum order qty of 15 and pay in full.
Orders for parts that don’t make the 15 order qty minimum will be cancelled / refunded.
After February 28th, I can’t do cancellations or refunds for parts that move forward with production. From there it will be about 10-12 weeks until the headers ship (Around the end of May)

Doug Thorley is having a price increase on March 1st as well, so this is an opportunity coincidentally lock in the current pricing.

Orders can be placed online at https://ruggedrocks.com. Please place your order sooner than later so we can get an accurate idea of how this is shaping up and I can keep everyone up to date over the next few weeks of our progress.
Sharing this e-mail on social media, forums etc will also help and is greatly appreciated.

Please contact me at: https://ruggedrocksoffroad.com/index.php?route=information/contact with any questions that you may have.

Thank you
-Steven Lutz