Nissan Titan ’04+ Front M205 Differential Ring and Pinion Gears in ratios deeper (numerically higher) than stock to accommodate for oversize tires.
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I have a Nissan Frontier with a M205 from a Titan and I would some 4.10’s.
Alot of 4×4 frontiers switched to the M205, this would be a great product for our aftermarket. Pretty much the only reason you dont see alot of 4×4 frontiers with tires bigger then 33’s
I’m in for 4.10’s as well!!! (07X w/ Titan Front end)
If this was out id be all over it as well in the 4.10/4.11 which ever it is
I would LOVE to see gears for the M205! 4.10s would be awesome, but anything deeper than the lowest 3.69 available would be killer!
Plus with a gear set for the M205 I could finally swap it into my Frontier since I wouldn’t have to worry about the ratios matching. Assuming rear gears are made too.
Titan swap on a Frontier with 4.10’s. Strength and gear correction for larger tires, you can’t lose.
4.10s!! I have been waiting for these for a while! Not only are the Titans waiting… there are many Frontiers and Xterras that swapped just like me! I have cash in hand for whenever you make them.
Definitely interested … waiting (with baited breath) to see what comes of these announcements. Would love to see ratios to match existing rear m226 ratios for MT (3.69) as well as the deeper ratios (4.10!!!!, 4.56 …)
4.56s please
I would scoop these up in a heartbeat. 4.10’s would be perfect. MAKE THEM!!!!!!
This is long overdue, I am hoping somewone will finally offer matching front/rear gearsets for the Titan.
Make it happen…the market exists!
Hey guys, I think this is something that was needed from the beginning, you make a good set of front and rear gears for us Titan boys, it’ll open up a HUGE market for the folks looking to beef up their trucks a little more…Thank you for posting a concept idea, i hope this turns into a reality VERY soon…
Ryan Chappell
hell yes!
YESS! There is a huge market for the gears for the Titan trucks. Need evidence? Go to Titantalk forum and keyword search, gears. There are hundreds if not thousands of posts of those looking for gears for our trcuks both 2wd and 4wd. Please make gears!!!! I need 4.10s for the front and rear for lift and some towing!
really really interested.
this is amazing and im glad someone is finally doing something about this.
im be waiting for this to hit the shelves.
Thanks for taking the interest in out trucks. I’m definately looking forward to front and rear gears for my 08 titan.
There is a void in the Nissan Titan aftermarket and the first company to market will be met with a land slide of sales from Titan owners who Drag , Rock Crawl or Prerun not to mention those who lift and install large tires for looks alone.
at the moment the only solution is a diff shop in Sun Valley Ca. who modifies components to make a gear set from another application work or WFO which will build a custom Dana 60 with the Titan ends so the sensors work. If you provide this product I guarantee you sales will be overwhelming from a sector deprived from a much needed gear swap. There is no others , none providing gear sets for the Titan community, all sales from around the world will be yours.
There is a void in the Nissan Titan aftermarket and the first company to market will be met with a land slide of sales from Titan owners who Drag , Rock Crawl or Prerun not to mention those who lift and install large tires for looks alone.
at the moment the only solution is a diff shop in Sun Valley Ca. who modifies components to make a gear set from another application work or WFO which will build a custom Dana 60 with the Titan ends so the sensors work. If you provide this product I guarantee you sales will be overwhelming from a sector deprived from a much needed gear swap. There is no others , none providing gear sets for the Titan community, all sales from around the world will be yours. Its a no brainer , but you better hurry before someone beats you to all those hungry Titan owners.
I would most likely get the 4:10’s for a 4×4 at some point, if they are not substantially higher in price than those offered for other brands of trucks.
My next tire purchase, (Fall ’09), will be 34’s maximum due to the lack of gears. So it will likely be a couple of years from now before I’d buy them. Hope it happens.
We would love gears. Yea
Would buy a set of 4.10s front and rear for the frontier with a titan swap up front
I would love a set of deeper gears fo the titan front and rear.
They is a void out there for aftermarket gear sets for the Nissan Titan. This is exaggerated by Nissan’s choice to release the Titan with a non-standard axle assembly front & rear. One of the most common upgrades to the Titan is the installation of taller more aggressive tires, thus increasing the need for lower axle gears.
I feel there is plenty of market place for the release of such gears nation wide.
Yes. 4.10/4.11 please. Same for M226.
PLease!!! I’d buy them right away!
Add one more interested Nissan Titan owner to the list of those wanting some after market gears
4.10s for my 4×4 Titan. hurry up and make these, you guys will be the only ones with them. you will have an edge over the entire market!
For the love of god let get these on the market.
Please produce these to match the rear gears that you are near completion for the titan! i will def buy front and rear! this will for sure open up a whole new door to the customizing of the titans! most people who want to go big(lift + tires) dont have the money for custom front ends! There IS a market!
My tires are killing me!!!! I really need gears but no one else makes them for Titans. My only other alternative is to downsize.
this would be awesome!!!!!!
There is a HUGE market from not only Titans, but Frontiers and Xterras that swap in the M205. I would give a nut to have front and rear matching 4.88’s and a locker. That would make running 35’s sooo much easier. I got the dime!
this would be AWSOME!!!
I’m dying for Titan gears!
Yes please. Start off with a 3.692 and work up from there. I have a V8 Pathfinder 4×4 which has the same Titan M205 diff. I can source out a 3.692 from Australia for the rear, but nothing for the fronts yet. Australia Pathfinders have an R180 front only.
Please make these gears! I would definitely buy front and rear.
Yes I would love to have an option on gears.
3.69 for my OR MT Xterra swap please.
I need M205 gears ASAP in 4.11!!!! I have an Xterra, running an M205 Titan Front Diff w/3.357 gear.
I blew my rear diff (CRAP), I plan on stuffing a Dana 60 in the rear to keep my ABS, etc. however there are to 3.36 gear for the 60. Not to mention plans to run 35’s are on hold until I get some new gear.
Make them and they will come!
And these too!…..Bring em on…3:36, 4:11, 4:56 and please make strong as hell.
280-300 lb/ft of torque and minimum 33″ tires + a 4,300-4,800 lb vehicle and mix generously with varied off-road terrain = broken r180. Would love to see an aftermarket M205 carrier…..mahalos
Move me to the top of your list for a 4:56 set for 4WD!
I have a desperate situation. My Titan has 40 inch tires and I tow. Even with a supercharger, a tune and other performance mods this truck has difficulty towing my 8k lbs. travel trailer. I’ll have to part with either the truck or the trailer unless someone produces a gear set.
How about a pre-production program where folks pay up front as you produce the product? I’ll put my money down now! I’m sure others will participate.
I want gears
Yes, Titan owners want and need gear options, please make then for us both front and rear differential.
We NEED some gear options for the Titan!!!! 4.10 please!!
Hey yes, we need new gears, the oem ones suck with bigger tires and aftermarket front suspension products… lets get them rolling!!!!!! ill do what eddie said too, just had my front extended cvs put in for my longtravel and now it barely pushes, give us some better gears, and there are tons of people that will do the same thing on the titan talk forums
Please hook us up with some gears..
The Titan/Xterra/Fronty group desparately needs some gears for the front!!! I would be in for some!
yes!!!!!!!!! do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Titan dearly needs gears! Please help us out and sport us some front and rear gears! Thanks
This TITAN lover is interested!!! Hell, maybe even a full rear end package that would accommodate new axles and all?
yes yes please make some gears! my tranny is sooooo tired of lugging around these big tires! front and rear 4.10s would be amazing! you would def without a doubt have a customer in me!!
and i was referring to my 2004 4×4 Titan…whoops. but man this has me excited so please dont let all of us down!!!
hey i would love some gears also my Titan is an 2008 so the rear is a bit different then the older years so make some that would fit the 2008.
i just installed 3.73 gears in the rear of my truck, im a 4wd so i really need matching gears for the front so i can stay 4wd!!!!
titans rear gears are out. superior axle and gears are now manufacturing ring & pinions for gears ratio’s up to the 4.56.
Can buy at Superior Axle & Gear for or at Rugged Rock
Just saw that the rear gears were released for 2004 to 2007 Titans. When will the front gears be released for the 4×4 owners? I have a 2009 Titan and need new front and rear gears.
I would definitely buy either 4.10’s or 4.56’s. We’ve been waiting a long time for these!!!
Yes, yes, yes.
Many of us titan owners have been waiting some time for gears.
3.73s or 4.10s would be awesome!
To offer this product would be a moneymaker to whomever built it. Titans and the growing community of M205 swapped Xterras and Frontiers will jump on this.
4.10s for the 205 please. and while your at it 4.10s for the frontier/xterra c200 with some sort of locker. that way i won’t have to 226 swap. thanks
Surely I’ll be the 1st to buy for my Xterra!! I already have Superior Axle and Gear 4.56 gear set in my M226 and am anxiously awaiting the 4.56 gears for my M205, I can’t go wheeling until then. Superior promised me that by March 2010 the 4.10 and 4.56 M205 gears will be released…I pray they’ll honor their word.
with out a doubt, interested.
3.73 front and rear please 04 Titan 4×4
08 4×4 titan please make the gears
I just installed 3.73 in the rear now I need some for the front
I apologize but 3.73 gears for the front will not be made.
Dude, no way !!!! why what am i to do now you guys gotta make em
Unfortunately this has been talked about over and over. only 4.10 and 4.56 will be made. in fact we’re going to have the prototypes here in about 5 weeks.
Having gears made isn’t cheap and the majority of the market needs 4.10 and 4.56.
I’m really sorry but you’re going to have to have 4.10’s installed instead.
I have titan 2W derive but I put 35×12.50×17 tires and is to heavy and spend to mouch gasiline can you have some idea or what ring and pinion size we need please let me know how sale this parts thanks
I recommend the 4.10 Gears. the Front should be done in the next couple of months. the Rear 4.10 gears are already available.
Please do this soon! Us 08′ guys need 4.10 FRONT AND REAR!
My complaint is related to mileage. I would like to get a higher ratio gear set like a 2.9/1 in order to improve hiway mileage. I have power being wasted- and gas going with it. 13.7 mpg with in a conservative all-freeway no load condition.
Anyone know of a higher gear set available anywhere?
so let me get this straight….the 4.10’s for the front are DEFINITELY going to come out? cause i have a 4×4 and already have the 4.10’s for the rear but i havent yet installed them.
A set for the M205 titan front end in a 3.692 ratio would allow nissan xterra 4×4 owners with a manual transmission to swap in a titan front diff for strength without changing the back; very nice indeed for those with an off-road model, it already has a rear locker. This is a very popular mod in the xterra.
yes please, 4.10 or 4.56
Yes Please!! Nobody makes front gears for the Titan.
Don Fey,
I assume you have the Tow package which came with the 3.6 ratio. My truck did not come with tow package and has the super high 2.94 ratio and at 75mph is turning under 2000 RPM. Before I put larger more aggressive tires on it I was getting 15-20mpg. After going to larger aggressive tires I’m down in mpg…but atleast I have good tires for off-road. The larger tires have taken a lot of power away and I’m wanting the lower gears….I would love to trade someone!
I would trade you my OEM 2.94 gears for your 3.6 gears…assuming they are a direct bolt on replacment which I would assume they are. If you read this and are interested shoot me an email (blampright at yahoo dot com).
i am interested in the gears for that price, i have a 2.4L nissan hb and looking to push 33s or 35s right now
yes please, 3.73 or 4.10’s would be awesome for pushing my 37’s
I’m ready to buy 4.11 right now, I use my truck for work and this would help.
Yes please! 3.73 4.10 4.55 ect. Are they coming close to being released yet!?
Yes please! Some 4.88 would be nice, I have oversize tires and need some help!
I will second what Jeremy said:
A set for the M205 titan front end in a 3.692 ratio would allow nissan xterra 4×4 owners with a manual transmission to swap in a titan front diff for strength without changing the back; very nice indeed for those with an off-road model, it already has a rear locker. This is a very popular mod in the xterra.
A set in 4.10 would be nice too.
4.10 would be great. When will we see them? I will get them day one.
Any updates on this? its been a while, always seems to be 5-6months out for the past few years. We NEED gears!!!!!!!!!! there has to be someone out there that would want to make some $$$ by producing gears. This is taking forever. end rant
Hell yes!! What’s the word on these? I’ve been tracking on this possibility for awhile on site but seems like there is little in the way of new info and a release date..or price.
I don’t have pricing yet but we had to redo R&D which is why this has taken so long. we’re looking at having these in about 7 more weeks.
If I could get my 08′ back as close as possible to the stock diff to tire ratio that would be great, 35″ tires. My calcs say a little under 3.73, but 3.73 front and rear would be awesome since I do a handfull of towing.
If you tow on 35’s I recommend going with 4.10’s
Did these front gears ever happen?
I have been waiting for these for awhile!! Please get them out soon!!
So is there still only going to be 4.10’s and 4.56’s for the front??
Still Waiting…….
Please don’t call these off! Got a huge customer base out there!!!
We definitely realize that there is a huge customers base here in the U.S. and we aren’t calling these off.
Call them off. Sold the titan. Cant wait anymore.
Still holding out, any news!?
I would like some 3.73 as well
Still waiting….any news?
Why does it say the expected date for these to be available is december 31 2020?
Whennn ?????????????????????????????????????????????
let me know !!!!